Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Charlie Pierce on a Rant is a Thing of Beauty

In a post entitled, "Things In Politico That Make Me Want To Mainline Antifreeze, Part The Infinity," he takes on Politico's hosting a fete of, and then writing a fawning article about Papa Dick and Baby Dick Cheney:
Its puerilty has finally crossed over into indecency. Its triviality has finally crossed over into obscenity. The comical political starfcking that is its primary raison d'erp has finally crossed over into $10 meth-whoring on the Singapore docks. Once a mere surface irritation, Tiger Beat On The Potomac has finally crossed over into being a thickly pustulating chancre on the craft of journalism. It has demonstrated its essential worthlessness. It has demonstrated that it has the moral character of a sea-slug and the professional conscience of the Treponema pallidum spirochete. Trust me. Stephen Glass never sunk this low. Mike (Payola) Allen has accomplished the impossible. He's made Jayson Blair look like Ernie Pyle.
It goes on, and most of it near the perfection of, "He's made Jayson Blair look like Ernie Pyle."

Read the rest of it, and then someone please nominate Mr. Pierce for a Pulitzer.

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