Tuesday, July 15, 2014

104 Prominent Republicans Endorse a Democrat for Governor of Kansas

They have endorsed Paul Davis because it is Sam Brownback is detached from reality and driving the state into a ditch:
More than 100 Kansas Republican politicians and activists Tuesday threw their collective weight behind Democratic governor candidate Paul Davis, a move designed to inspire other rebellious Republicans to action and weaken the re-election bid of GOP Gov. Sam Brownback.

Public expression of support for Davis by Republicans from across the state at a Topeka news conference exposed anew civil war within the Republican Party between moderates and conservatives. The endorsements also reflected Davis' effort to frame his campaign in bipartisan tones.

"All of us are proud Republicans," said Wint Winter Jr., a former state senator. "We came together because of our common love of Kansas, our commitment to Kansas families and our belief in moderate, common-sense leadership. We are deeply concerned by the direction Sam Brownback is taking Kansas."


The 104-person list of Davis backers included former Senate Presidents Bud Burke, Dick Bond and Steve Morris, one-time Kansas House Speakers Wendell Lady, Jim Braden and Robert Miller, former Lt. Govs. Gary Sherrer and Shelby Smith, former U.S. Rep. Jan Meyers, prior Kansas GOP chairman Bill Falstad, Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger as well as national GOP delegates, local school board members, mayors, and city and county officials.
Rather unsurprisingly, Rick Santorum is campaigning for Brownback in apocalyptic terms, further reinforcing Brownback's batsh%$ insane conservative street cred.

My guess is that Brownback will win, with the backing of lots of Koch brothers' money, and we will see that the Kansas as a model for the Koch Brother's America, which, interestingly looks increasingly like Somolia.

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