Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stewart Misses the Point

Jon Stewart faults his own journalistic chops on l'affaire Petraeus:

Yes, he interviewed Paula Broadwell, and did not pick up anything untoward, but so did a lot of people.

What he has is enough self-awareness to realize that he missed a big story.

It could be worse. Robert MacNeil, formerly of the MacNeil/Lehrer report, on November 22, 1963, at Dealy Plaza, he ran into a man, and asked where he could find a phone.

The man he ran into was Lee Harvey Oswald.

Journalists don't have any more senses than the rest of us, and Jon Stewart has an almost unrivaled ability to call out bullsh%$ in a clear and concise matter.

I do think, and Jon Stewart would agree, that it's f%$#ed up that a comedian is arguably one of the finest journalists on cable today, but we are living in a f%$#ed up world.

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