Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Paul Ryan Assumes the Role of a Scooby Doo Villain Bigot

They tore off the mask, and Paul Ryan's response was, "I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling N*****s:
Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin on Monday blamed Democratic turnout in “urban areas” for the loss by the Republican presidential ticket last week, saying he was surprised that he and Mitt Romney did not do better in the nation’s big cities.

“The surprise was some of the turnout, some of the turnout especially in urban areas, which gave President Obama the big margin to win this race,” Mr. Ryan said in an interview with WISC-TV. “When we watched Virginia and Ohio coming in, and those ones coming in as tight as they were, and looking like we were going to lose them, that’s when it became clear we weren’t going to win.”

The remarks prompted scorn from some liberals who viewed Mr. Ryan as blaming inner-city minorities for the Republican defeat.
Including this liberal.

What a miserable excuse for a human being.

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