Sunday, January 1, 2012

I May Be Wrong About Eric Holder

Because it does appear that he is actually investigating allegations of police brutality, with investigations being described as having, "mushroomed to unprecedented levels," involving investigations of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department  (Joe Arpaio), Seattle's police department,  Newark, East Haven, Miami, and Puerto Rico.

The cynic in me notes that Obama's closest move toward action on this matter was his now-disavowed comments on the arrest of professor Henry Louis Gates, which, when juxtaposed with his history is one of studiously avoiding involvement in any issue that might remind people that he's black, would lead me to conclude that he is studiously uninvolved with this issue.

Compare this to clear White House directives on torture and the banksters, where it is clear that the word went out that there would be no prosecutions.

I'm assuming that the fact that actual law enforcement is occurring here because the Obama administration is largely uninvolved with this.

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