Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Republicans Lose One in Arizona (For Now)

The Arizona Supreme court has overturned the removal of the head of the Arizona independent redistricting panel:
The Arizona Supreme Court on Thursday rebuffed Gov. Jan Brewer’s efforts to remake the state panel that draws political maps by reinstating the chairwoman Brewer recently ousted.

The court ruled that Brewer’s letter removing Colleen Mathis from the panel fell short in showing “substantial neglect of duty” or “gross misconduct,” as state law requires, the Arizona Republic reported. A Brewer spokesman told the paper that the Republican governor “strongly disagrees” with the decision and was considering her next step.

The once-a-decade map-making, though somewhat technical and arcane, can help cement a political party's grasp on power for several election cycles. While redistricting often results in political battles, the one unfolding in Arizona has been particularly brutal.

In 2000, Arizona voters approved a ballot measure that made redistricting the responsibility of a panel composed of two Democrats, two Republicans and an independent chair, which was supposed to tamp down partisan warfare. (This year, California’s political lines were drawn for the first time by a similar independent panel.)
What the court basically said was that the governor had to actually show neglect of duty or misconduct, and not just because "I said so."

The head of the panel, as per the law, has to be an independent, and it appears that the 'Phants objections consist of the fact that she is married to a Democrat, and that the proposals for a map are too "fair and balanced."

I have not doubt that the Republicans will take a 2nd bite at this apple, and probably a 3rd bite as the apple, as they attempt to trump up charges that can pass a court's smell test.

I think that we are going to see court drawn  districts in Arizona.

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