Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hopefully They'll Get the Clue

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H/t Buzzfeed for the pics

Look at his eyes. He is not a happy camper.
But I doubt it.

In any case, representatives of OWS have "Mic Checked"* Barack Obama:
President Obama was heckled on Tuesday during an appearance at a New Hampshire high school.

Obama had traveled north to the Granite State, which holds the nation’s first presidential primary, to discuss the economy and his proposal to extend a current payroll tax cut.

Just as the president started his speech, protesters, apparently from the Occupy Wall Street protest movement, used the “human mic” technique to amplify their voices. It was unclear what the protesters were saying, or what point they were attempting to make.

The president smiled through the disruption, saying: “No, it's OK,” as other parts of the crowd sought to hush the protesters by chanting his name and old campaign slogan, “Yes We Can.”
In Chicago, another group mic checked Rahm Emmanuel too.

I don't expect either of them to sympathize with OWS' goals, ever.

They are both products of the wing of the Democratic party that is beholden to big money, and the FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) sector's money in particular, so to the degree that we see any movement towards accountability and meaningful regulations for the banksters, it will be because they are dragged kicking and screaming toward doing the right thing.

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