Sunday, May 29, 2011

The DoJ Has Been Thoroughly Politicized by Republicans Since 1980

Investigative reporter Murray Waas, has a rundown of John Ensign's law breaking, and the fact that the Department of Justice decided not to prosecute him, or Tom Coburn, who is hip deep in the web of back door payoffs, coverups, and a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

But, as Nicole Belle observes, they have still found time to indict John Edwards for paying off a mistress.

What we need to understand here is that since Ronald Reagan, successive Republican administrations have done their level best to politicize the DoJ, and it's worked.

The professional staff of the Justice Department is no longer professional.

I do not know what the fix is, but Obama's decision to allow 2nd rate political hacks from the Bush administration to remain on staff, even though civil service regulations were flouted, was exactly the wrong thing to do.

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