Thursday, March 3, 2011

Little Davey, Don't You Know That This Was a Political Ploy? Why Do You Hate America?

Fresh on the heels of claiming that Afghan parents burn their own children for crall political purposes, little Davey Petraeus is apologizing for a helicopter strike that killed 9 children who were collecting wood:
A NATO airstrike that Afghan officials said Wednesday killed nine children collecting firewood in eastern Afghanistan the day before became the latest irritant in the tense relationship between President Hamid Karzai and the international force in the country.

Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top NATO commander here, issued an apology for an error that military officials attributed to faulty communication as an air weapons team responded to an attack on a NATO base Tuesday in Konar province.

"We are deeply sorry for this tragedy and apologize to the members of the Afghan government, the people of Afghanistan and most importantly, the surviving family members of those killed by our actions," Petraeus said in an unusually contrite written statement. "These deaths should have never happened and I will personally apologize to President Karzai."

The strike increased the already high tension between Karzai and NATO commanders, who came under scrutiny late last month because of another case in which Afghan officials alleged that dozens of civilians were killed in a U.S. military operation, also in Konar province.
Why does he hate America?

Doesn't he know that whenever we blow up innocent civilians, it's because they were trying to get killed, because it helps the Taliban?

"Unusually contrite" my ass.

I'm not sure why he isn't following his usual pattern, lie, release phony facts, and a few weeks later issue a correction on the weekend, but somehow or other the truth got out despite his best efforts.

This is not typical behavior for him.

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