Thursday, March 3, 2011

And A Maryland Democrat Joins the Ranks of the Morally Repugnant

And here he is tweeting his support a month ago
When Maryland Delegate Sam Aora (D-Silver Spring) ran for office, he said that he supported gay marriage.

He's one of the cosponsors for the bill that provides for recognition of Gay marriage in Maryland.

Well, now that it's passed the state Senate, and looks like it is going to pass , he says that he is going to vote against it.

This isn't just about a politician lying. This is about a politician making the issue the core of his campaign, and then betraying the people who supported him because of it.

It was at the core of his campaign.

He campaigned on in, and raised money on it.

Unsurprisingly, there is now a drum beat of people who are asking for their campaign contributions back, particularly since it looks like his vote will kill the bill.

This guy might be the biggest slime ball in Maryland, and that says a lot!

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