Thursday, November 18, 2010

Speaking of Mind Blowing Stupidity

The hed says it all, "The White House, Chamber Of Commerce Attempt Rapprochement."

What the f%$# are they thinking?

I know that Barack Obama thinks that he is so awesome that people can't help liking him, and that they like him so much that they will work together for the good of the country, but that is stupid and delusional:
On Wednesday, the intricacies and oddities of the relationship were on full display. For the second time in as many weeks, a member of the Obama cabinet met with Chamber officials. It was not to discuss the sharp elbows thrown during the campaign, when the White House, in no uncertain terms, accused the Chamber of subverting the democratic process by refusing to reveal its donors. Rather, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner met with the group's board of directors to "discuss the state of the economy, jobs, and administration priorities 'for supporting the competitiveness of American businesses'."
The Chamber of Commerce has always been a very conservative organization, but it is no longer that: It is now an explicitly partisan player whose goal is the defeat of Obama in 2012 by any means necessary.

They are not the opposition they are the enemy.

And little Timmy Geithner is playing footsie, no doubt with Barack's approval.


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