Why, because somehow or other the House Democrats managed to lose a vote on extending unemployment benefits extension, meaning that roughly 5 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits on November 30.
That's 5 million Americans who will be unable to make car or house payments of buy much of anything at all.
Figure about $1.5 billion pulled out of the economy a week, or a little bit over ½% of GDP that would just go away.
For some reason known only to God, they tried to pass it under a "suspension of the rules" requiring a ⅔ vote, which it failed, by 258 to 154.
OK, I do know the reason why the Democrats tried to pass this under a procedure requiring a 2/3 vote: If it passes by a simple majority, then people can make a "motion to recommit", which could kill the bill, and would not pass, or a "motion to recommit with instructions", where it is sent back to committee with instructions to make amendments, which doesn't kill the bill.
Of course, the reason that the Dems lost on November 2 was because they have no damn guts, so their solution is even more gutlessness.
Cthulhu on a cruller, it's lame.
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