Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Olberman's Special Comment on McChrystal Sucks

Listening now, he's big on the "don't accept the resignation," crap.


  1. I think you're wrong here and Olbermann is correct. Toss McChrystal back into the pot making him stick to the drawdown timetable and avoide giving The Right something they can use to stir up the mindless hoards.

  2. That's not the point.

    The point that he has been both corrupt and insubordinate repeatedly, and it has infected his command.

    What you are saying is that Truman should have left McArthur in because the Chinese involvement was his fault.

    That is bullshit.

  3. Well, no, I wasn't saying that. McArthur's insubordination was manifestly more direct-and crazy to boot.

    However, Obama was politically smart in that when he canned McC. he picked Petraeus as his replacement. This shorts out the mindless hoards for the most part as well as caps the story so it fades into the ever churning news cycle.

    On a much more important matter, I did find another unicorn chop in my freezer. As a Catholic (of sorts) I'm going to eat it.  
