Tuesday, June 22, 2010

OK, This is Stupid

Click for full size
This an April fools gag

This is someone doing WAY too many drugs.
ThinkGeek gets what they call, their best cease & desist letter ever, from the National Pork Board telling them that they are violating their trademark by describing Unicorn meat as, "The other white meat," for which ThinkGeek, tongue planted firmly in cheek, apologizes:
"It was never our intention to cause a national crisis and misguide American citizens regarding the differences between the pig and the unicorn," said Scott Kauffman, President and CEO of Geeknet. "In fact, ThinkGeek's canned unicorn meat is sparkly, a bit red, and not approved by any government entity."

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I ate the last unicorn chop I had in my freezer. Don't want them coming after me next.

    Yes, I am feeling a bit better.
