Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Signs of the Apocalypse

Starts at 2:05
On Morning Joe, Mark Halperin, a long time hack best known for the phrase, "Matt Drudge rules our world," feels compelled to call it for what it is when he says, "They are willfully misreading the bill or they are engaged in a cynical attempt to keep the president from achieving something." (emphasis mine)

Except for the fact that he should have said and not or, he is telling the truth, and when Mark Halperin feels compelled to call bullsh%$, you know that Republican spin has crossed some sort of "Shoe Event Horizon" where the normal punditocracy simply ceases to function.

The first part of the video is Austan Goolsbee ably defending the program (full disclosure, I made a post that he objected to in the comments, see here, and I posted his response here),* but Joe turns to Halperin for a "fair and balanced appraisal, and Halperin calls them full of it too.

H/t Steve Benen.
*I don't have a problem with his objecting, my family calls me full of it all the time, it sticks in my head because I was stunned that he read my little old blog in his capacity as an economic advisor to the Obama campaign.

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