Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Never Stop Your Enemy from Stepping On His Own Dick

When you're in Leno's monologue, YOU ARE COMPLETELY SCREWED
As I have mentioned a number of times, Harry Reid is polling horribly in his bid for reelection.

In fact, his poll numbers are so bad that it appeared that his only hope was that there was a possible teabagger 3rd party candidate.

Well, it looks like the the Republican front runner just threw a life line to the Senate Majority Leader, or more accurately, she threw herself an anvil.

You see, she made a statement about how barter should be an important part of healthcare.

When I first heard this, I assumed that this was someone misspeaking and confusing "barter" and "bargain".

I was wrong. She really meant barter, as in chickens for MRI's:
The feathers are flying in the political attacks over Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sue Lowden's declarations that people could control health care costs through the use of barter.

On Monday, Lowden doubled down on the barter idea. "Let's change the system and talk about what the possibilities are. I'm telling you that this works," Lowden said. "You know, before we all started having health care, in the olden days, our grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor. They would say I'll paint your house."
(emphasis mine)

So, not only is she eschewing healthcare reform, she is apparently opposed to the very concept of money, the center of our financial system.*

So, she's not just a Republican, she is an Anarcho syndicalist, opposed to the very concept of money, or she's a complete moron, or maybe both.

In any case, Senator Reid, it's better to be lucky than good, and you just got lucky.

*OK, money and greed……
……OK, money, greed, and fractional-reserve banking……
…………OK, money, greed, fractional-reserve banking, and a well defined system of contract law ……………… Oh, never mind.

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