Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Primary Her

Yes, once again, another Senate "sentrist" appears to be determined to ensure that nothing good will pass the senate:
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D[INO]-AR) will oppose Dem efforts to move health care legislation through Congress using budget reconciliation, hurting Dems' chances for using the controversial parliamentary maneuver to pass a reform bill.

"I am opposed to and will fight against any attempts to push through changes to the Senate health insurance reform legislation by using budget reconciliation tactics that would allow the Senate to pass a package of changes to our original bill with 51 votes," Lincoln said in a statement on Tuesday. "I have successfully fought for transparency throughout Senate deliberations on health care, and I will continue to do so."

"I will not accept any last-minute efforts to force changes to health insurance reform issues through budget reconciliation, and neither will Arkansans. We have worked too long and too hard on this reform effort - we need to get it right," she said.
By "We", of xourse, she means "her", and she does not want a process that diminishes her ability to f%$# with people's lives, because she wants someone kissing her ass.

Matthew Yglesias is right when he calls out the Senate "centrists", and notes that they "seem prepared to resume their customary role as the villains whose consistently egomaniacal and self-destructive behavior has badly damaged the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans."

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