Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Is Joe Biden Suggesting that He Might Rule the Filibuster Unconstitutional?

He's coming down very hard on the filibuster, and I'm wondering if he is sending a signal that, as President of the Senate, he is prepared to rule that the filibuster is unconstitutional:
"As long as I have served ... I've never seen, as my uncle once said, the Constitution stood on its head as they've done. This is the first time every single solitary decisions has required 60 senators," he said at a Florida fundraiser, according to the pool report. “No democracy has survived needing a super majority."
The author of the story seems to think that this is an attempt to create a groundswell for using reconciliation to fix healthcare, but I think that Biden might be suggesting something even more radical.

I think (hope) that he is prepared to kill the filibuster.

The interesting thing here, is that the "Centrists" must be crapping their pants over this possibility, since their real agenda is to do nothing ever, and a change to the filibuster rules would make it much more difficult to do nothing ever.

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