Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meanwhile, Back in Bizarro world

Guess who is going to hold a fundraiser for the first Virginia Congressman who takes the pledge not to vote for a health plan without a public option?

Terry McAuliffe....Yes, that Terry McAuliffe, a man who has been repeatedly excoriated by lefty bloggers like me as a corporate stooge, and little more than bagman for political contributions from wealthy people and special interests.

In fact, I did a happy dance when he lost the primary race for VA governor for this reason.

But he is sponsoring this initiative:
Terry McAuliffe thinks it is time to "insist" on the public option. We couldn't agree more. Terry's agreed to host a fundraiser with Virginia and national bloggers who are insisting on a public option for the first Virginia Congressman who will take our pledge! This will be an awesome event to highlight and honor any Virginia Congressman who shows leadership on this issue. If you would like to be a part of the host committee for this event, shoot me an email at Lowell and I are already on board, and I'm sure there will be many others!
Good for Terry McAuliffe....I cannot believe that I just said that.

I would also be remiss in mentioning that Act Blue has a page to donate to Congressmen who take the pledge not to support any bill that lacks a real public option, and it's already raised nearly $300K.

I've added the link to my Act Blue page too.

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