Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm Shocked, Shocked To Find That Gambling Is Going On In Here!

(Cue Captain Renault)
So, Tom Ridge tells us now that Bush and His Evil Minions manipulated terror alerts for political gain.

But he vehemently denied any such effort while he was in office, and delayed his resignation as head of DHS until after the election.

He knew that it was wrong, but he kept his mouth shut, and now he writes a book, and it's supposed to make everything hunky dory....It does not.

Mr. Ridge, as I stated only yesterday, I do not take the term "treason" lightly, but it appears to me that your complicity in this affair, when you knew that it was happening, and you know that it was wrong, and you knew that it was damaging to the country, comes awfully close to that term.

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