OK, so Al Franken is finally going to be seated.
The question is two fold, what does this mean, and what should this mean?
Ignoring the health issues of Byrd and Kennedy,* which means that Democrats are theoretically able to get cloture in the event of a Republican filibuster.
The question is, "Will they?"
Obviously, managing Senators is like herding cats, so one cannot expect them, particularly on the Democratic side of the aisle, to vote for every bit of legislation.
Voting on cloture, however, should a different thing, though I've very little confidence in Senate Leader Reid enforcing this.
As voters, and potential campaign contributors, I would suggest not contributing to the DSCC and instead contributing to individual campaigns, with Dem Senators who vote against cloture healthcare or global legislation getting nothing.
*Which is a lot like saying, "Other Than That, Mrs. Lincoln, How Was the Play?"
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