Sunday, January 4, 2009

Obama Getting Rolled by Pentagon and NASA?

It now appears that people in the Pentagon and in NASA are feedinb Obama and his transition team scare stories about a Chinese manned program to the moon:
President-elect Barack Obama will probably tear down long-standing barriers between the U.S.’s civilian and military space programs to speed up a mission to the moon amid the prospect of a new space race with China.
The argument is that the Chinese will be able to put a man back on the moon before the US's goal of 2020.

It should be noted that planting a flag on the moon means nothing.

That China is making strides in space development is true, and the military implications are a legitimate concern, and the idea of replacing NASA's Ares vehicles with existing vehicles, which means military launchers because NASA has meticulously destroyed the opposition on their end, is a good thing.

But this whole "race to the moon" thing is 6 pounds of sh%$ in a 5 pound bag.

If Obama and his team believe this, I have some ballots in Florida for them to count.

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