Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sooner or Later, He Just Might Have to Stand for Something.

On the reliably wankeriffic Washington Post editorial page, Richard Cohen is generally one of the more reliably wankeriffic. He's not up to the truly delusional level of Krauthammer, but he consistently shows a lack of ability to think and even to understand what he just said. I have noted this in the past.

That being said, Richard Cohen gets one right today, because, unlike most of the time, he actually knows the people who are effected by a political event.

In this case, it is his sister, who is a lesbian and in a 19 year committed relationship, and a supporter of Barack Obama who traveled to volunteered for the campaign, has canceled her inauguration party because of his invitation to for bigot preacher Rick Warren to give the invocation.

It's amazing how much more sane and thoughtful the pundits are when it's them and theirs that are effected by an action...Kind of funny huh?

Cohen rightly castigates Obama on this, though, with typical aplomb, he buries his lede:
The conventional thing to say is that Obama has a preacher problem -- first the volcanic Jeremiah Wright and now the transparently anti-gay Warren. But the real problem has nothing to do with ministers and everything to do with Obama's inability or unwillingness to be a moral leader. Sooner or later, he just might have to stand for something.
Of course his point on Wright was that Barack Obama needed to leave his church because a publication edited by Wright's daughter gave an award to Farrakhan, because black politicians are in lock step with everything done by their church....Something he would never suggest of a white politician.

That being said, this is a case of a stopped clock being right twice a day: Sooner or later Barack Obama has to stand for something.

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