Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Election Update

The unofficial tally in Franken-Coleman has Franken leading by 48 votes.

The Coleman folks are freaking out, and have alleged double counting of ballots and have petitioned the court to revert to election night totals....Surprise...in all of the slightly more than a dozen precincts they are targeting, this takes votes from Franken...In fact, it takes enough votes to put Coleman in the lead.

Franken's lawyers are claiming that this would in effect undermine the whole recount, and not just these precincts.

In any case, the Minnesota Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday, but no ruling has yet come down.

In further court news, it appears that there are reports of an agreement on the counting of absentee ballots, though it misses the deadline set by the Minnesota Supreme court, with counting being completed January 6, as opposed to December 30.

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