Monday, October 29, 2007

What The Hon. Dr. St. Rev. Bradley S. Rocket, Esq, PhD, MD Said

Sadly, No! » Death, Be Thee Proud And Take Me Now

Basically, he said that Gregg Easterbrook is a wanker.

This time, because of what Easterbrook wrote about the upcoming Colts/Patriots game. Personally, I'm conflicted about the game. I've hated, yes hated, the Colts ever since Irsay left Baltimore in the middle of the night, but the Pats just made my beloved Redskins look like a PeeWee football team on Sunday.

That being said, Easterbrook's latest column, in which he casts the upcoming Colts-Pats game as a battle between good and evil.

Why the hell does anyone pay Easterbrook anything to write? He may write better than I do, who doesn't, but the man makes Dan Quayle look like Albert Einstein*.

I'll also say that whatever my feeling about the Pats as folks who just pasted the 'Skins, they are in a very real way an answer to much of the superstar bad behavior in sport. They are introduced as a team at superbowls, they play as a team, and big mouthed jerks on other teams, go there and become team players.

*To be fair, it's Albert Einstein the actor, who's nom de theater is Albert Brooks, but still.
Corey Dillon and Randy Moss come to mind.

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