Tuesday, October 30, 2007

AT&T Created a Language to Do Mass Surveillance

Seriously, if there is a group of people with their tongues more firmly up the rectum of the state security apparatus than AT&T, I would surprised.

They have gone so far as inventing a purpose built language for mass-surveillance. I've said it a number of times, don't use AT&T, they suck wet farts from dead pigeons.

According the article, this was originally developed to find sales leads, and it was developed well before 911. They want to hoover all of our data, and sell it to the highest bidder.

Here is a sort of a schematic of its function:

Here is some sample code:
#include "ipRec.hh"
#include "ihash.h"

hash_table *ofInterest;

int inSet (ipPacket_t * p)
if (hash_get (ofInterest, p->source.hash_value) == 1)
return 1;
if (hash_get (ofInterest, p->dest.hash_value) == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
void sig_main (ipAddr_s addrs < l:>,
ipPacket_s packets < p:>)
/* code to set up hash table */
ofInterest = hash_empty ();
(over addrs) {
event (ipAddr_t * addr) {
if (hash_insert (ofInterest, addr->hash_value, 1) < 0)
/* code to select packets */
(over packets
filteredby inSet)
event (ipPacket_t * p)
printPacketInfo (p);

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