Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Can I Have This Translated from English to American?

On this Reuters report about Uber's appeal of the decision by Transport for London to ban the service, I came across a rather interesting quote which, to American eyes at least, appears to rather oblique:
At Tuesday’s hearing, TfL also said it had “one or two” issues regarding the accuracy of details provided by Uber.“The decision letter says, well, there are one or two issues about the extent to which the information given to TfL was correct,” TfL lawyer Martin Chamberlain told the court. “That is one of the points that the decision is based on.”
(emphasis mine)

I believe that translating from Etonian speak to an earthier London vernacular would give us something to the effect of, "You are a bunch of lying wankers, so sod off!"

Am I correct in understanding the underlying intent here?

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