Saturday, November 11, 2017

Just When I Thought That It Could Not Get Any Weirder………

We now have allegations that Michael Flynn, Trump's former NSC Advisor, tried to cut a deal with representatives of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to kidnap dissident cleric Fethullah Gülen and transport him to Turkey:
Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is under investigation for involvement in an alleged plot to kidnap a Turkish dissident cleric living in the US and fly him to an island prison in Turkey in return for $15m, it was reported on Friday.


The new allegation, that Flynn and his son engaged in a conspiracy to arrange the rendition of Fethullah Gülen to the Erdoğan government – which accuses the cleric of plotting an abortive coup in July 2016 – could if confirmed result in even more serious charges.

In September, the Wall Street Journal reported a meeting about the plan, in which former CIA director James Woolsey is said to have participated. Friday’s report describes a second meeting involving both Flynns at the 21 Club restaurant, a prohibition-era New York speakeasy patronised by Trump, in mid-December. According to “people familiar with the investigation”, it was at this encounter that the $15m payment was discussed.

Even if this were legal, and it might be under a legal precedent from the late 1800s, this is SERIOUSLY f%$#ed up.

Even for Flynn, a man who typifies the flying monkey faction of modern conservatism, this is off the charts.

Once again, reality outstrips the most outlandish products of my imagination.

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