Sunday, November 12, 2017

Aaron Burr's Gift to the Republic

While Alexander Hamilton was clearly a highly intelligent man, an examination of who and what he was reveals that he was the founding most hostile to the idea of a constitutional republic, and the one most likely to turn the US into a monarchy or dictatorship.

Among other things, he:
  • Advocated for the creation of a standing permanent army run by and for the Federalist party.
  • Called for the use of military force to prevent Thomas Jefferson becoming president after he was elected.
  • Attempted to foment a coup against the US government.
  • Was a slave trader, not an abolitionist.
  • Attempted to put that day's big finance in charge of the government.
 Hamilton was a bad guy, and here is the money quote of this article:
But the agenda is hidden, because in America, no political leader, not even Donald Trump, can credibly come right out and pronounce democracy a bad thing and agitate for rule by big finance. And the reason for that is that Alexander Hamilton, despite his success in structuring Wall Street, lost the battle against American democracy. Thank God for that.

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