Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Bit Late to Admit This

As I noted in April, the rag-f%$#ing of likely Sanders voters did not appear the result of, "Entirely innocent incompetence."
The New York City Board of Elections is admitting it broke state and federal law when it improperly removed voters from the rolls ahead of the presidential primary last spring, including more than 117,000 voters in Brooklyn.

That’s according to a draft consent decree announced Tuesday— nearly a year after the Board was sued in federal court for violating the National Voter Registration Act and state election law.

The Brooklyn voter purge was first reported by WNYC just days before last spring’s primary election.

As a part of the settlement, the Board agreed to a series of remedial measures that will be in place at least through the next presidential election, November 2020 — pending court approval. The deal restores the rights of improperly purged voters and establishes a comprehensive plan to prevent illegal voter purges in future elections.
You know, the fact that these bastards got to say, "My bad," and walk into the sunset without being frog-marched out of their offices in handcuffs kind of honks me off.

Yeah, I'm still bitter over this sh%$.

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