- Democrats dread Hillary's book tour (POLITICO) "Democratic operatives can’t stand the thought of her picking the scabs of 2016, again."
- What Does an Innocent Man Have to Do to Go Free? Plead… (ProPublica) How prosecutors coerce phony guilty pleas to get their case closures up.
- Tomi Lahren, Meet The Great Great Grandfather Prosecuted For Forging His Citizenship Papers! (Wonkette) Anchor baby much?
- A Few Bad Scientists Are Threatening to Topple Taxonomy (Smithsonian Magazine) It appears that there a bunch of unethical academics who are literally putting their names on "new" species, and sowing potentially life-threatening confusion.
- Facebook, You Needy Sonofabitch (Brad Frost) Facebook is getting way too in your face when you take a few days off. It's AI cyberstalking.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox announces his candidacy for President of the US. (Massive Trump Ownage)
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