Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Beware the Threat of Al Gebra Terror Cells

A far right wing candidate for mayor in Germany is promising to eliminate Arabic numerals if elected. I guess that he is concerned about weapons of math destruction:
A mayoral candidate for the far-right, anti-immigrant NPD party promised to get rid of Arabic numerals if elected, German media reported Friday.

Otfried Best, who is hoping to become mayor of Völklingen, near the French border, was asked by a member of Die Partei, a satirical party, during a debate earlier this week what he thought of Arabic numerals used in the town, Stern magazine reported.

“Mr. Best … I find it alarming that in Völklingen many house numbers are displayed in Arabic numerals. How would you like to take action against this creeping foreigner infiltration?” asked the Die Partei politician.

The audience cheered and laughed, but Stern reported that Best gave a serious answer: “You just wait until I am mayor. I will change that. Then there will be normal numbers.”
I have no words here.

I just sit in stunned amazement, with an expression on my face that resembles a cow that has stepped on its own udder.

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