Friday, August 25, 2017

Time to Short Nazi Futures at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

At the rate things are going, there aren't going to be any Nazis in the white house before long.

The latest to go, faux PhD and Bigot Sebastian Gorka.

I'm not sure if this is because they've lost, or if they've just found the warehouse where the Ark of the Covenant is located:
Sebastian Gorka, an outspoken adviser to President Trump, has been forced out of his position at the White House, two administration officials said on Friday.

One of the officials said that the president’s chief of staff, John F. Kelly, had telegraphed his lack of interest in keeping Mr. Gorka over the last week in internal discussions.

Mr. Gorka, a deputy assistant to the president, had been on vacation for at least the last two weeks, with no clear assigned duties to hand to others, that official said.


Mr. Gorka, 46, has also been accused of having links to far-right groups in Europe.
Of the various racist losers who entered the White House in January, Sebastian Gorka was by far the most malignant.

It's good to see him go.

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