'Tis but a scratch
The win is double plus good if invoke Monty Python and the Holy Grail:
The first vice-president of the European Commission has mocked the UK's post-Brexit trade ambitions by comparing a Ukip MEP to a comically over-confident character from a Monty Python film.I have no choice but to congratulate Mr. Timmermans for the proper and appropriate use of Monty Python.
Frans Timmermans likened Eurosceptic politician Ray Finch to the Black Night in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a hopelessly optimistic character who refuses to concede a fight even after all his limbs are severed.
Mr Finch had told the Strasbourg assembly the EU would suffer while Britain was negotiating new trade agreements with countries outside the bloc.
“Mr Finch really reminds me of a character created by John Cleese in Monty Python’s the Holy Grail, the Black Knight, who after being defeated terribly and having all his limbs cut off says to his opponent ‘let’s call it a draw’," he continued.
Well played, sir.
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