Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Yeah, He's Running for President in 2020

Corey Booker, after getting savaged by the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party for voting with big pharma to ensure that people would be impoverished by their extortion, has signed on to a very similar measure to the one that he voted against:
Pilloried by his party’s left wing for voting in January against a non-binding measure with a similar goal, Sen. Cory Booker is joining Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday to unveil a bill to allow the importation of pharmaceuticals from Canada and other countries.

Booker, who has been mentioned as a potential 2020 presidential candidate, came under fire on social media and liberal blogs as too beholden to special interests after he and 12 Democratic colleagues, including fellow New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, voted against a drug-importation amendment to the 2017 budget resolution.

That amendment, sponsored by Sanders, of Vermont, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., was part of a series of votes, all defeated, to amend the budget resolution the Republican majority was using to start the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act. Sanders reacted angrily after the 46-52 vote, telling USA Today his Democratic colleagues lacked “guts” and he hoped that “in the coming weeks and months you’re going to see many of them develop the courage to stand up to Pharma.”
I am an optimist: I think that our nation might survive 4 years of Donald Trump.

I don't think that it can survive another presidency of an Ivy League educated neoliberal who runs the country primarily for the benefit Ivy League educated neoliberals.

I really have to start looking into aliyah. 

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