- Politicking Without Politics (Jacobin) the Subjead is, "Democratic elites are delusional — you can’t subdue the reactionary right without a robust alternative political vision." I agree.
- The Democrats Anti-Russia Campaign Falls Apart (Updated) (Moon of Alabama) This is about the Democratic establishment trying to avoid changes that might require them to lose their phony baloney jobs.
- P. G. Wodehouse’s American Psycho (McSweeney’s) American Psycho as written by PG Wodehouse. Brilliant.
- Yellen’s Effed up Attack on Working People, Sad (Counterpunch) Makes the point that inflation is still below target, and that Yellen's statements indicate that her goal is to keep ordinary people's wages from rising, "Some measures haven’t moved up, but there’s is also suggestive of a strengthening labor market."
- Opponents of single payer are moral monsters on par with AHCA proponents (Medium) I'm inclined to agree.
- With rampant talk of Russian interference, it’s worth recounting Washington’s role in undermining Russia’s 1996 election. (Jacobin) We actively enabled Yeltsin's takeover of Russian media, turned a blind eye to voter fraud, pressured the IMF into making loans, and sanctioned the incursion into Chechnya, all so that our banksters could continue looting. Puts it in perspective.
- Inglorious Empire by Shashi Tharoor — the rapacious Raj (Financial Times) A review of a history of British colonial rule in India, which reveals that it was nowhere as benign as the Brits would like to think. Who knew that 100 years of stoking sectarian hatred and impoverishing a nation could have such a negative effect?
Remember that video that went viral with the kid barging in on an interview?
Here is the best of the parodies:
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