Sunday, December 25, 2016

Same as It Ever Was………

It appears that ground troops are back in combat in Iraq:
U.S. forces assisting Iraqi troops to retake Mosul from Islamic State are embedding more extensively, a senior commander said on Friday, a move that could accelerate a two month-old campaign which has slackened after quick initial advances.

More than 5,000 American service members are currently deployed in Iraq as part of an international coalition that is advising local forces in a bid to recapture the third of the country the jihadists seized in 2014 when Iraq's army and police dropped their weapons and fled.

Coalition advisors were initially concentrated at a high-level headquarters in Baghdad but have fanned out over the past two years to multiple locations to stay near advancing troops.

Now, as Iraqi forces controlling around a quarter of Mosul - Islamic State's last major stronghold in Iraq - proceed deeper into the northern city and encounter fierce counter-attacks that render progress slow and punishing, U.S. troops are stepping up their involvement.


"We have always had opportunities to work side-by-side, but we have never been embedded to this degree," he
[U.S. Army Colonel Brett G. Sylvia, commander of Task Force Strike] said. "That was always a smaller niche mission. Well, this is our mission now and it is big and we are embedded inside their formations."
Obama said that he would get us out of Iraq.

Not so much.

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