Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nope, No Corruption Here

Now that Hillary Clinton isn't going to be President, the government of Australia is ending its contributions to the Clinton foundation:
Australia has finally ceased pouring millions of dollars into accounts linked to Hillary Clinton’s charities.

Which might make you wonder: Why were we donating to them in the first place?

The federal government confirmed to news.com.au it has not renewed any of its partnerships with the scandal-plagued Clinton Foundation, effectively ending 10 years of taxpayer-funded contributions worth more than $88 million.

The Clinton Foundation has a rocky past. It was described as “a slush fund”, is still at the centre of an FBI investigation and was revealed to have spent more than $50 million on travel.

Despite that, the official website for the charity shows contributions from both AUSAID and the Commonwealth of Australia, each worth between $10 million and $25 million.
We'll be seeing a lot more of this, because the Clinton Foundation was structured to create this sort of, "moral ambiguity," and now that Hillary Clinton will never be President, expect to see a lot of people ending the relationship with the organization.

The Clintons won't suffer, they never made any money from the Foundation, but it was an instrument for them to keep their "Posse" together, and the band ain't getting back together.

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