Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How about a nice cup of shut the F%$# Up, Johnnie?

One of the truisms of the DC political scene is that John McCain thinks that he should be President, and that whoever has become President had better listen to him, or he will throw a tantrum and hold his breath until he passes out.*

The press, largely because of McCain's tradition of giving them booze and palling around with them, seems to think that this is "Mavericky", but it appears to be an exercise in arrested development to me.

Case in point, the overcooked potato from the state of Arizona is trying to dictate Russia policy:
Sen. John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, sent his first shot across the bow of President-elect Donald Trump’s national security plans Tuesday, saying that any attempt to “reset” relations with Russia is unacceptable.

“With the U.S. presidential transition underway, Vladi­mir Putin has said in recent days that he wants to improve relations with the United States,” McCain (R-Ariz.) said in a statement released by his office.
It's really depressing what qualifies as an elder statesman in DC.

*No sh%$. At age 2, the only way that his parents could get him to stop was to put him in an bathtub full of cold water.

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