Sunday, June 19, 2016

This Wouldn't Have Happened If the Original Story Hadn't Gotten a Lot of Ink

The USAF inspector general lost over a decade of corruption and mismanagement files back, and now, following surprisingly extensive coverage of this mishap, they appeared to have rectified the error. I thought that the loss was suspicious, and I don't think that the recovery efforts were as herculean as the article implies.

My guess is that no one wanted to try to recover the data, but it got too hot not to try:
The U.S. Air Force says it has recovered files from 100,000 inspector general investigations dating back to 2004.

In a short, four-sentence statement released midday on Wednesday, service officials said the Air Force continues to investigate the embarrassing incident in which the files and their backups were corrupted.

“Through extensive data recovery efforts over the weekend and this week, the Air Force has been able to regain access to the data in the Air Force Inspector General Automated Case Tracking System (ACTS),” the statement reads.


The inspector general’s office investigates claims of waste, fraud, and abuse within the Air Force.
It may be innocent, but it smells like a 3 dead dead gopher in august.

1 comment:

  1. Where is McCain? Where is his outrage? Is he alive?
    Boeing lost, 3 times, employee files. I know because I received free security on my accounts..transactions etc.
    At least one time, an employee left their pc in the back of a vehicle while shopping. A rather relaxed attitude to have for hundreds of thousands of their workers..Can it be the Air Force has the same attitude towards sensitive documents that might be vital to the security of America? A "so what, we'll update the software in the morning" kind of approach?
    Gee, thankfully the rest of the Armed Services is on the ball...
