Sunday, May 15, 2016

This is Mindbogglingly Stupid

At the Nevada state convention, it appears that the (Hillary supporting) convention chair decided to put her thumb on the scales even though her side had already won:
Organizers of the Nevada State Democratic Convention said they had to rush to wrap up the "unruly and unpredictable" event on Saturday after security became an issue and objects, including chairs, were being thrown.

State party officials said authorities at the Paris casino in Las Vegas informed them around 10 p.m. that they could no longer provide the necessary security for the event, where tensions between Bernie Sanders supporters and party leaders flared up. The convention was scheduled to end at 7 p.m.

Sanders supporters have accused state party leaders of rigging the process against them, and they objected to procedural votes to approve the rules of the event. They also questioned a credentials committee's disqualification of 58 would-be Sanders delegates, who state party officials said didn't provide evidence about their identities or weren't registered to vote as Democrats by a May 1 deadline.


After casino officials told convention organizers to wrap up the event Saturday night, party chairwoman Roberta Lange accepted a motion to appoint delegates pre-approved by the Hillary Clinton and Sanders campaigns, organizers said. She also accepted a motion to elect the state central committee according to rules submitted by county party chairs.

Sanders supporters upset with the proceedings staged a protest outside the Nevada State Democratic Party headquarters on Sunday, writing in sidewalk chalk "Roberta Lange murdered democracy" and "Fire Roberta." Officials also said Lange had received hundreds of phone calls and text messages, including death threats, after her cellphone number was posted on social media.

Sanders issued a statement Friday, as tensions simmered before the convention, saying all Democrats shared the common goals of defeating Donald Trump and electing Democrats to office. "Working together respectfully and constructively on Saturday at the Nevada Democratic convention will move us closer to those essential goals," he said.
Hillary Clinton really has two things going for her in the race for the nomination, her "inevitability", and her claimed ability to unify the party in November.

The actions in Nevada mitigate against these perceived advantages.

If the Clinton campaign is as sure as they claim about her victory in the nomination, they aren't, (and neither am I) they need to stop going scorched earth.

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