Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Well, there was some Good Primary News Yesterday

As I noted a few months ago, Chris Matthews' wife, Kathleen, was running for Congress, and that Chris Matthews was pimping his show to her campaign donors.

Running against her was a wine mogul who spent over $1o million dollars, and the winner was the people of Maryland's 8th district, because very liberal constitutioal law professor Jamie Raskin beat them both:
State Sen. Jamie Raskin defeated self-funded businessman David Trone and former television news anchor Kathleen Matthews in the most expensive congressional primary race in the nation — a crowded contest in Maryland’s Montgomery County-based 8th District.


The campaign to succeed Democratic Rep. Chris Van Hollen in the district was competitive and costly. Van Hollen's decision to run for the Senate created a rare open seat.

Candidates competing for the seat spent more than $14 million since last year – more than $10 million of it by Trone, who finished second.

Trone, founder of the Total Wine & More retail stores, blanketed the district – which stretches from Montgomery County north into Frederick and Carroll counties – with television and radio ads and mailings. “We don’t take money from PACs, lobbyists or corporations,” was a prominent campaign message. His strategy included a push to win over voters who are using absentee ballots.


Raskin won by about 7,000 votes, holding a 34 percent to 27 percent advantage over Trone. Matthews took third at 24 percent.
If Raskin wins the general, and it is a very safe district, then Raskin will be the only out atheist in Congress.

It's a little thing, and I am still stuck with Dutch Ruppersberger in my district, but I'll take it.

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