Sunday, March 27, 2016

Yep, Hawaii Too

With around 70%:
Senator Bernie Sanders routed Hillary Clinton in all three Democratic presidential contests on Saturday, infusing his underdog campaign with critical momentum and bolstering his argument that the race for the nomination is not a foregone conclusion.

Mr. Sanders found a welcome tableau in the largely white and liberal electorates of the Pacific Northwest, where just days after resoundingly beating Mrs. Clinton in Idaho he repeated the feat in the Washington caucuses, winning 73 percent of the vote. He did even better in Alaska, winning 82 percent of the vote, and in Hawaii, he had 71 percent with a few precincts still be counted, according to The Associated Press.
While the party establishment may not like this, it is a good thing.

The Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, have gotten a lot more ink, and now that Clinton's primary campaign seems less a coronation, the Democrats, and Democratic ideas, should start getting some coverage.

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