Saturday, March 26, 2016

Not an Endorsement, but Good News

In an interview with the AP, Elizabeth Warren spoke of Bernie Sanders favorably, and said that he should continue his campaign:
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren waded deeper into the presidential primary debate Thursday, sharpening her criticism of Donald Trump and cheering on Bernie Sanders.

The Massachusetts Democrat described the Republican presidential front-runner as a failed businessman who inherited a fortune from his father and then maintained it ‘‘by cheating people, by defrauding people, and by skipping out on paying his creditors through Chapter 11’’ bankruptcy protection.


On Thursday, when asked if Bernie Sanders should drop out of the race, Warren praised the Democratic senator from Vermont.

Sanders has echoed Warren’s criticism of Wall Street and rising student load debt more than any other candidate.

‘‘He’s out there. He fights from the heart. This is who Bernie is,’’ Warren said. ‘‘He has put the right issues on the table both for the Democratic Party and for the country in general so I’m still cheering Bernie on.’’
I don't know who she favors, but it is clear that, at a minimum, she thinks that it is important for Bernie Sanders to push Hillary Clinton's positions away from the mindless triangulation of Bill Clinton.

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