Monday, March 28, 2016

Money Beats Talibaptists

Following widespread outrage, and multiple companies said that they would pull out of Georgia, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has vetoed the "Hate the Gays" bill:
Under increasing pressure from major corporations that do business in Georgia, Gov. Nathan Deal announced Monday he will veto a bill that critics say would have curtailed the rights of Georgia's LGBT community.
House Bill 757 would have given faith-based organizations in Georgia the option to deny services and jobs to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Supporters said the measure was meant to protect religious freedom, while opponents have described it as "anti-LGBT" and "appalling."

Speaking to reporters Monday morning, Deal, a Republican, said he didn't think the bill was necessary.
"I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia, of which I and my family have been a part of for all of our lives," he said.

He said he was not reacting to pressure from the faith-based community or responding to the business community, which warned Georgia could lose jobs if he signed the bill.

His decision, he said, was "about the character of our state and the character of our people. Georgia is a welcoming state. It is full of loving, kind and generous people. ... I intend to do my part to keep it that way. For that reason I will veto House Bill 757."
As Charlie Pierce says, "This is a dodge, of course. It's about bigotry in the private sector, as we all know, and the veto is due to push-back from more powerful entities in the private sector. Isn't capitalism grand? And here's the real irony of it all: Deal is term-limited out, so he has no real f%$#s to give to anyone."

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