Thursday, December 10, 2015

Maybe He Will Go to Jail After All

It looks like Andrew Cuomo got a $700,000.00 advance from a subsidiary of News Corp, and then they got a multi-million dollar subsidy:
New York’s state government has committed millions of dollars in taxpayer support to News Corporation for a real estate deal -- less than three years after a subsidiary of that company gave New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo a book deal worth up to $700,000. The commitment was disclosed in documents released by the Port Authority -- an agency jointly controlled by Cuomo and New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie.

The documents say the Port Authority, News Corporation and 21st Century Fox “have received commitments from New York State” for a “one-time payment of $15 million in 2016 and the utilization of a $15 million” state tax credit as part of the agency’s push to make the companies “anchor tenants” for 2 World Trade Center. The documents say the transactions are part of an initiative to reduce News Corporation’s and 21st Century Fox’s rent payments at the new building by $155 million.

The Cuomo-appointed executive director of the Port Authority, Patrick Foye, told International Business Times Wednesday night that he is recommending that the Port Authority’s board approve the package because, he said, the agency will get significant bang for its buck. “That is objectively a good deal, a good transaction for the Port Authority and the region,” he said.
This is not a surprise.

Murdoch has a long history of using political connections for business advantage, and Andrew Cuomo swims in the sea of corruption that is Albany like a fish.

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