Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Are InfiniLaw Schools Scamming Students and the Federal Government?

H/T Atrios, who also pithily notes both that the not-for-profit schools are hip deep in this sh%$ as well.

He further notes that law professors are overpaid, and that the suggestion that they would make money hand over fist if they went back to the private sector is specious.

If you do the math, associates are expected to Bill about 1800 hours a year, which given the rule of thumb that you need to work somewhere between 1⅓ and 1½ hours for each billable hour is a soul destroying work environment.

Do the math.  That is  48-54 hours a week, year in and year out.

The people who are teaching future lawyers are doing so because they don't want that life.

This is why you have so many top flight lawyers are so eager to become judges.

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