Monday, September 28, 2015

John Boehner Just Issued a Big F%$# You to the Teabaggers

I guess that it's one way to have some fun as he is heading out the door:
House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday that there will be "no" government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding, and signaled plans to pass the Senate stop-gap funding bill with help from Democrats.

"I expect my Democratic colleagues want to keep the government open as much as I do," Boehner, R-Ohio, said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

The interview was Boehner's first since announcing his resignation Friday.

The announcement came as Republican leaders spar over how to handle a series of budget extension proposals to keep the federal government operating past Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. Moderates within the House GOP caucus had been pushing for any plan that will avoid a shutdown while more conservative members had vowed to strip funding from Planned Parenthood programs at any cost.
If Boehner was still trying to remain speaker, he would not have done this.

Never underestimate the the power of someone who has given his last f%$#.

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