Sunday, August 16, 2015

What Is Wrong with Academe with One Obtuse and Self Serving Presidential Campaign

Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig is planning to run the stupidest Presidential campaign of the season, and considering that what we have running right now, that says a lot:
Today I announced the formation of a committee to explore my entering the Democratic Primary for President. By Labor Day, I will decide whether a run makes sense.

I want to run. But I want to run to be a different kind of president. “Different” not in the traditional political puffery sense of that term. “Different,” quite literally. I want to run to build a mandate for the fundamental change that our democracy desperately needs. Once that is passed, I would resign, and the elected Vice President would become President.
Mr. Lessig, right now, you are making Jeb Bush look like a freaking genius.

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