Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Live in Obedient Fear, Citizen!

So, the cops raid the house looking for a felon who is already in custody, and hold the naked mom and her kids at gunpoint as a result.

Anyone wanna guess if anyone involved in this fiasco is going to suffer any consequences but this family?

Silly rabbit, accountability is for civilians:
Police terrorized a naked woman and her children at gunpoint last week during a no-knock raid on the wrong apartment.

Marianne Diaz said she was awakened about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday by SWAT officers knocking down the door to her Worcester, Massachusetts, apartment as officers wearing helmets and shields burst inside and pointed “big guns” at her head, reported the Telegram & Gazette.

“Stop f*cking crying and take care of your f*cking kids,” one officer commanded, Diaz said.

Diaz said her 7-year-old daughter was shaking in terror as she held her 18-month-old daughter in her lap, and she said officers would not allow her to cover up for about 10 minutes — after a woman officer frisked her nude body.


Prosecutors said Friday that police acted on the “best information” they had before obtaining a search warrant from a Central District Court judge, but court documents show the man police were looking for had been arrested nearly two weeks earlier and listed another address as his home.


Diaz has asked the city and police department to investigate why the raid was permitted in the first place, but prosecutors have already said it “was executed in the manner it was for the safety of all involved.”

The young mother said she still couldn’t believe what had happened.

“Before they left, one (officer) said, ‘We treated you with respect,’” Diaz said. “They didn’t even apologize.”
There will be on consequences.

There are never any consequences, which is why we have police acting like an occupying force.

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